In an SPC system, there is a significant amount of test data stored, and there might be correlations between test items from common sources. Generally, we organize this test data, use Minitab or Excel, and perform correlation and regression analyses in pairs, adjusting the lag period to find the optimal leading influence.
If the test dates of the items cannot be perfectly aligned (for instance, if they differ by a few seconds but belong to the same batch/time), it becomes even more complicated.
This process is cumbersome, requiring data organization before analyzing with tools, and each lag period needs analysis to find or fail to find a pattern.
Let’s see how our SPC product handles this.
Next, let's look at the specific operations:
We select the test items from the list that need correlation analysis (requiring single values).
Click the correlation analysis button to open the following page:
We fill in the lag period from 0 to 2 to see the correlation of different lag periods.
From the scatter plots and regression analyses of lag 0 to 2, it is evident that the correlation is more significant with a lag of 2 of test item C and test item D. This means that the N-2 period of test item 1 has a noticeable influence on the N period of test item 2.
We all know the theory is well understood and highly useful, but without a good tool, it is challenging to apply. Our product is such a tool.